Legal and General x Models Direct

Published: 8th May 2024

Our booking with Legal and General is a classic example of a tried-and-trusted brand requiring everyday people to appeal to the population and to push their intriguing campaign. We feel humble and thrilled that they got in touch with our expert model coordinators for a female and male model to star in their three-day photoshoot campaign. This blog is dedicated to our models’ hard work with the financial services and asset management company. Keep scrolling to find out more.

Apply to be a model

The assignment setting

Apply to be a model

It was September last year, not so long ago. The weather was still boasting confident temperatures, and people were out and about enjoying the end of the summer heat. Birmingham’s energy was as rich and lively as ever, helping the positive vibes flow through communities.

In this busy and warm city is where London-based creative agency, Identity Designs, accumulated around 100 miles of road travel to meet our models, Saber and Dessi, alongside our client, Legal and General who had hired them. This isn’t where the story begins but where everyone met to make this assignment happen – our models, our client and the creative agency set on curating captivating campaign material.

The three-day plan

Hire a model

The idea was to conduct a three-day photoshoot set in an accommodation with our models posing as regular users of the photographed set. Legal and General were on the lookout for everyday, regular models when they connected with us. The reason behind clients choosing regular models to front their campaign is so that it makes it believable and relatable rather than appear unconvincing. When people see such campaigns it may make them stop and think, “That could be me or someone I know living in that accommodation, or looking to rent or let it.” The scenarios can be so varied depending on the marketing vision, tools and techniques used. The mission is to stir emotions and evoke action (background reading, a sale, a conversation, a review).

Thanks to our talented models, and even though they fit into the everyday model role in this campaign, they were far from being just ordinary. They worked well together and with all the teams involved they were quite extraordinary and positively memorable. Hats off to you both!

Where the client’s story begins for hiring everyday models

Hire a model

If you’re a client looking for everyday models to front your campaign, you are most certainly at the right place. Whether you’re new to your industry or settled in, working alongside you will be a tight-knit team of smart, thoughtful, intuitive and enthusiastic modelling experts who have a ton of fun creating, highly memorable touchpoints for the modelling community – models, clients, production teams, marketing teams all included.

We’re a no-nonsense, vetted, government-regulated employment agency. Models Direct has an authoritative voice in the modelling industry where we don’t need to scream or shout. We’ve spanned a respectable 34 years seeing many positive changes in the demand for models, which we’re proud to have contributed towards – the body and age positivity movements. If you’re a brand looking for real people or pets to be the face of your campaign, then you’ve landed at the right place.

Models Direct is always on the end of the telephone if you have any queries. Even better, our Models Direct booking blogs will prove invaluable if you want to read more successful blogs.

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