Summer friendly photos for your ePortfolio

Published: 25th Jul 2024

As a Models Direct model, your ePortfolio is your best asset to gain work.

We’ve never shied away from the fact that competition in modelling is fierce. We can attribute this to three main facts:

  1. Desirability. Being a commercial model can be hard work, and models must be dedicated and enthusiastic, but it’s hugely enjoyable and mainly well-paid. It’s not glamorous all the time, but the rewards are high and being a model for a top modelling employment agency remains highly desirable.  
  2. More clients. As more brands are introduced to the public, more clients look for “real life” models to help them advertise their products. 
  3. More models. An increase in models ultimately means the competition increases. Not a bad thing if you know the basics to make yourself stand out.

So, maintaining your portfolio is as important as ever. Regularly updating best-fit photos can be difference between clients giving you the “thumbs-up” and being told “sorry, maybe next time.” You must make it work for you; we’ll do our best for you, but you must help yourself, too.

Apply to be a model

Fortunately, summer is a brilliant opportunity to find the perfect images to dazzle our clients. Remember that they often look at model’s portfolios prior to choosing them, so treat portfolios as the crucial cover letter for job applications – they have a specific function, and you – the model – can make your own destiny.

Summer is a great time to showcase exactly what you can offer our clients. Perhaps the most obvious place to wow us with portfolio photos is on holiday. Our clients will welcome exotic settings and customary summery attire, but never complicate portfolio images; keep them simple, clear, and relevant. Don’t be tempted to let palm trees or beaches be the star of the show. You are the star!

Show off suntans and bronzed, immaculate skin. Wear sunhats, visors, and sunglasses, but don’t forget to take a few photos au naturel. You’re not trying to hide anything…

Hire a model

Our fitness models appreciate summer for capturing action shots in the best light. If you’re using Smartphones (most brands have decent cameras, which work just fine), consider that they often have small lenses. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you must use flashes; instead, experiment with varying degrees of light and submit only the ones that have the most impact.

Why wait to get home to upload photos to your portfolio? Be proactive and save them as soon as you can – who knows, by the time you return, our booking team might be contacting you sooner than you’d think.  

Have a look at our client list. Can you tailor any summer photos to the brands? If you’re a family enjoying the summer, think about holiday parks and travel agencies who are crying out for modelling families.

Whilst some photos may not make the grade, it’s better to take more than necessary so they can be cherry-picked and included in your portfolio. We want to see as many great images as possible. Like we say, models should help themselves, and this summer could be start of something special.

We’re always available to give advice to our models, but in the meantime read more about summer friendly portfolios here. We can’t wait to see your updates!

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