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Sean, Reference: 1298
Thank you Talent Management for this opportunity! Sean really enjoyed the whole experience, shooting for Stem's educational toys!
He said that staff were nice and friendly and he enjoyed the snacks that were provided.
As an escorting parent, I can say that staff were warm, friendly, welcoming and helpful.
Millie-Rose, Reference: 1329
Today was Millie's first assignment for Oasis Floral Product's wedding brochure, she was very excited and on the way there, asked lots of questions on what she was going to do.
When we got there she couldn't wait to get her hair and makeup done and find out what she would be wearing.
The most enjoyable part for her was having her pictures taken but she loved every part of it.
I joined Millie up to Talent Management because of her love for posing for the camera, I believe its her ambition.
As a mother of a five year old girl I would say if they like having their photo taken, its a great experience. All the crew made it fun and made Millie feel at ease.
Alexandra, Reference: 1304
I really felt like a star on my fancy dress photo shoot, even though I was a little bit nervous at the beginning. I had to dress up in various fancy dresses and have pictures taking for a catalogue. I couldn't wait to look at myself in the pictures, I looked very glamorous! I would definitely do it again. Now I can say I am familiar with what a photo shoot involves and would recommend anyone to try modelling as it is so much fun!
If my mum didn't sign me up with Talent Management, I would probably never have such a great experience! Updating your e-portfolio is very important so the client has a real picture of how you look/what you can do, and so there wouldn't be any issues later on.
Taylor, Reference: 1302
I joined up with Talent Management for Taylor as they looked supportive and professional, she's been signed up for a while and this was her first assignment but it was professionally laid out and Taylor felt comfortable and happy in the environment she was asked to work.
She was very excited about it and really enjoyed being in front of the camera as well as the tasks she was being asked to do (play with the products, interact with the other children) Taylor was asked to play with the products (Stem's educational classroom toys) with the other children whilst the photographer gave direction and took photos. All of the individuals at the shoot were extremely friendly and supportive, they gave clear but polite instructions and Taylor really enjoyed working with them.
Advice I would give for anyone letting their child model/act, let it be fun, don't pressurize a child and make sure their enjoying it. I do not actively pursue work for Taylor but she enjoys the work and is always excited about being in front of the camera.
Hanaf, Reference: 1284
Although she may be nervous, Hanaf is a very well mannered and pleasant child who does not hide or resist contact. She actually enjoys modelling, finds it exciting and that it increases her confidence and communication skills.
Hanaf really enjoyed meeting the other children on her first educational toy catalogue photoshoot from Talent Management.
She liked the attention and getting ready for the shoot.
For her modelling is like a project and Hanaf strives to stand out in her projects. As this was Hanaf's first assignment she now knows what to expect and can be better prepared next time.
We would definitely recommend this experience to others as we believe modelling is a great way to increase a child's confidence.
People think modelling is not a good industry to go into and that the field is only for those with great figure or looks. I think there is alot of misconceptions that needs to be changed.
As parents we wanted Hanaf to join a modelling agency to have interesting experiences and a good head start in life. Hanaf really enjoys posing for the camera and has a great smile. It makes her happy and excited. This is the reason why we joined Talent Management.
Codie-Rae, Reference: 1285
Codie- Rae had mixed emotions as this was her first assignment, she was nervous and excited. 'I really enjoyed myself, I can't wait to do it again' said Codie.
Codie hasn't been with Talent Management for long and I was shocked at how quick she got a invite for a job.
The assignment was a photoshoot to advertise 'Stem' educational toys, she had lots of fun doing this. I would recommend Talent Management for anyone who is unsure about doing this. I have found them very helpful in helping me to guide my daughter into something she has shown an interest in doing.
I haven't been as pro active as I should be at uploading photos to Codies porfolio but I am going to endeavor to do so as now she has done one 'job' as she really is excited about doing more and I want to help by keeping up to date with her pictures
Thank you for the opportunity of perusing one of her dreams!
Dawood, Reference: 1287
Thank you Talent Management, Dawood really enjoyed the shoot today especially meeting different kids of all ages. Dawood was friendly, not nervous at all and spoke to all the kids and team members involved.
The photo shoot was for Stem educational toys catalogue. He and another child were given a construction set to play with and enjoy. Snacks were always available and the team was polite and patient.
Shay Aaliyah, Reference: 1288
Shay had an amazing morning modelling with a few other children, It was set in a school environment playing with Stem educational toys. Her and a little boy called Freddie made a project and had pictures taken for the catalogue.
She really enjoyed it plus Freddie was fun to work with to.
Shay was really excited to do the assignment, everyone that worked there was very welcoming and made us feel comfortable. Shay wasn't nervous at all even though it was her first assignment ,she would love to do something like this again and is a very happy little girl for the experience and for earning some money! Thank you to Talent Management and Marie!
Aiden, Reference: 1289
I absolutely loved my first modelling assignment today it was really good fun working with the photographer and the other children, I cannot wait for the next one!
My assignment was modelling Stem educational toys with other children for the catalogue and there wasn't a single part from the day I could pick out as more enjoyable than the rest as I loved every second from walking into the building to walking out again.
Actually I wish that I could of been there for a few more hours, I just love being in front of the camera!
For anybody who is thinking about or wanting to become a model I would just say two things, firstly "relax" and secondly "have fun"
I joined up with Talent Management for experience and to take advantage of the knowledge that they posses of the industry. This is something I really feel comfortable doing and enjoy, so hopefully my first of many assignments.
Thank you Talent Management team for my first opportunity!
Rio, Reference: 1292
We would absolutely recommend Talent Management to others, Rio was originally quite apprehensive about being a model for the first time, however, he soon lightened up and was looking forward to it :)
Rio had a fantastic day modelling for Stem educational toy catalogue whilst making some new friends , he said he really enjoyed it and would love to take part in some more modelling again soon.
Harry, Reference: 1264
We were all really looking forward to our day shooting as a family for Exbury Gardens and had a really great time. Harry didn't want to leave at the end of the day as he had had so much fun! Our 14 month old daughter, Bella, also seemed to enjoy every minute of the experience!
The gardens where the photography took place were stunning. We were made to feel very welcome and met some really lovely people on the shoot.
We would happily undertake a similar shoot again as a family. We would recommend the experience to others, as you get to visit new places and meet lovely people.
We decided to join up with Talent Management as so many people had commented on how our 4 year old son is such a natural in front of the camera, so we thought it might provide him with good experience and opportunities.
A big thank you from the Tomlinson family!
Elizaveta, Reference: 160269
Elizaveta was a little nervous before the assignment, but the film crew and staff from Wex Photographic made her feel very welcomed, relaxed and comfortable. Elizaveta absolutely enjoyed the day and she would definitely love to do it again. Elizaveta received good comments from the film crew and they said she is very natural in her acting.
In the assignment she played a daughter which goes for a walk with her dad (played by another Talent management Model). During the walk they were stopping to look at the beautiful surroundings of Holkham Beach area and “dad” was taking pictures of Elizaveta using his new camera.
Elizaveta loved walking on the beach and in the woods surrounding it, but most of all she like interacting with the owl also on set, watching baby frogs in the woods and finding mushrooms under the trees. The day was finished by shooting the last scene at the lake with beautiful sunset.
Elizaveta gained a lot of experience from the video shoot and her confidence has grown a lot.
We would definitely recommend others to give their children the opportunity to have similar experience, it helps them to meet and interact with new people, it is fun and gives kids an enormous confidence boost.
We would definitely recommend joining an agency such as Talent Management as it is very hard to find work by yourselves. However you have to remember that the work in the talent industry can, at times, mean a long day and a very tired child at the end of it. Elizaveta started the video shoot at 09-30 and finished at 18-00 with an hour and a half of traveling each way. The client looked after us very well by providing lunch, snacks and drinks during the day.
Elizaveta would like to become and actress when she is older and by joining Talent Management she can gain experience and the confidence to pursue this career in the future.
We are hoping to be working with you again soon and thank you very much to Talent Management for a great day!
Immy, Reference: 1190
Immy had a great time shooting with the NHS for their new advertising material. She was a little star and the cameraman was surprised she was new to acting/modelling! Thanks Talent Management!
Fabian, Reference: 1201
My son joined Talent Management for the experience of overcoming his shyness, and he was so cute in front of the camera on his first booking.
Robeka, Reference: A720830
Robeka had a great time modelling for Disney Infinity. We can't wait for more assignments through Talent Management!
Paignton, Reference: CB691126
Paignton had a great day, lots of fun and the team worked really well with her and were very welcoming. The assignment involved photo shots of her playing with the puzzles and having messy play, which Paignton enjoyed the most. It was a great experience for her and she is very much looking forward to many more assignment opportunities. My reasons for signing with Talent Management was that I wanted to help build a career for my daughter. The staff were excellent in taking an interest and making sure we were both looked after - highly recommended!
Bonnie, Reference: Z256945
Bonnie was a little nervous at the outset, but the Next crew made her feel comfortable and she absolutely shone and enjoyed the day. She would absolutely love to do it again and the comments from the Next crew were that a) Bonnie was a good find for Next and b) They would definitely like to use her again.
The assignment involved dressing in a new Next outfit and then having her pictures taken on Cromer Pier. Bonnie loved dressing up and having her pictures taken. Bonnie certainly gained experience from the photo shoot, but her confidence boost outweighed this.
I would definitely recommend others to encourage their children to do this for the experience and the confidence boost, let alone the fun element and meeting new people. We are not experienced enough yet to give advice about the industry, but I would definitely recommend joining an agency such as Talent Management as it is very hard to get exposure otherwise. We will be keeping on top of updating Bonnie's profile from now on.
One of my friends who is an amateur photographer suggested that Bonnie had the look that certain retailers would be looking for and suggested that we send her details to Talent Management. I believe that Bon would like to continue with this type of work but she is also an athlete and is quite academic so for now, we will just see where this goes and who knows?!
Leo, Reference: Z590982
I really enjoyed my day today, it was so much fun and I would definitely do it again! I had to make lots of different puzzles in many different places. I did a puzzle on the table to start with and then moved to the grass, I even did a puzzle in the sand pit! I got on very well with the lady who was helping me - she made everything so interesting and the photographer was really nice too.
I would 100% recommend this experience for anyone the same age as me. It was amazing, as well as having my photos taken I was having a very fun time. My mummy and daddy signed me up to Talent Management as I love having my photos taken. This was my first assignment and I absolutely loved it!
AriYanna, Reference: 1154
We had a wonderful time yesterday at the clothes fittings session for Jessie from Jessie and James London. It was very exciting for Ariyanna - she really loved trying on all the new clothes before they were available to the public. We wanted Ariyanna to join Talent Management to get in to modeling, and we hope a photo shoot will be next in store for her. BIG THANK YOU TO TALENT MANAGEMENT!!!! :):)
Myleigh, Reference: K593952
Myleigh was booked to play a granddaughter on Duracell's latest corporate advert. She was extremely excited about this as she has never filmed before. Myleigh was made a fuss of and introduced to the friendly team including the film crew and the other actors. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly. The crew gave Myleigh direction of what they wanted her to do on the shoot, which was to read to her 'grandmother'. Myleigh's favourite part was meeting her 'grandmother', as she asked Myleigh whether she had any pets and was very friendly apparently.
This is Myleigh's 3rd shoot with Talent Management and she is still loving every moment and learning new skills - today's filming proved that! Myleigh has learnt so much from the 3 different shoots she has had over her time with TM - her confidence has grown and I was told by the director today that "Myleigh takes direction very well which makes our job easier".
I would recommend signing your child up with Talent Management - Myleigh has gone from strength from strength learning new things along the way and it has been a wonderful life experience for her. Thanks again Talent Management for yet another fun shoot! :)
Caprice, Reference: Z608515
Caprice was chosen to model for the company Kit for Kids (for the third time!) which she thoroughly enjoyed. She especially enjoyed playing with the many toys and games they have there at the studio and the guys there always keep her fully entertained with toys etc while she is waiting for her turn behind the camera! This shoot consisted of Caprice lying on a bed to model a bed rail, and although it wasn't as fun as playing with the toys they hid some under the blankets to make it more fun and enjoyable for her.
Every time Caprice has another modelling shoot her confidence and ability to listen to the director's instructions improves. It's lovely to watch Caprice at the shoots - I feel so proud of the way she performs and how big the smile is on her face! If anyone was thinking of signing their child up with Talent Management I would most definitely recommend it as they get to experience some great moments, especially when you can look back on the photos and see how your child has developed and what she have achieved! It's also very rewarding for them as they gain skills in confidence and learn how to interact and communicate with other children and adults. I know Caprice and I will look back on these experiences when she's older and feel so proud and happy of what she has achieved at such a young age.
Erin, Reference: BU598900
Erin loved her day modelling for Conway County Council, as part of a family on location in North Wales. Erin was nervous at first as it was her first assignment, but was soon put at ease as everyone was so friendly. As part of the shoot Erin had lots of fun shots walking with her new family up to a castle and a church, once there they she had to run and play and enjoy looking at the beautiful scenery. They were promoting the use of audio trails (downloadable apps for mobile phones) so they all had to use a phone and earplugs which Erin really enjoyed. The photographers were extremely friendly and professional and made everyone really relaxed. Erin now can't wait for her next job, as she can have lots of fun and earn money at the same time. Thanks to Talent Management for this great experience.
Archie, Reference: A572277
Archie really enjoyed his day modelling for Conway County Council, promoting an audio app for the castle and the church. Archie was working with a model family, who all bonded well - Archie particularly enjoyed running with Erin (his model sister) around the castle grounds. There was plenty of giggles and fun was had by all. Thanks Talent Management for a brilliant second assignment!
Caprice, Reference: Z608515
Caprice loved her assignment with Kit for Kids. She sat on a really cool soft seating set based on an underwater theme, and she loved putting the detachable sea characters on the fun wall, especially the seahorse which was her favourite! She read books and played with bricks while the lovely photographer took pictures of her. They also had huge soft plush characters to sit on and she meet two other really lovely children (both around her age) and they happily all played together. Caprice is definitely gaining more confidence each time she does a shoot and you can see how much she enjoys it - it's just like going to a really fun play group or soft play centre for the day! I would definitely recommend signing your child up with Talent Management - not only will they gain confidence, but they will have a fun and worthwhile experience every time. I personally think that when Caprice is older she will appreciate the modelling experiences she had when she was young and they may even lead onto bigger things for her in the future :-)
ruth, Reference: BB600595
I really enjoyed my assignment with Kit for Kids - I didn't want to leave - the man who took the photographs was funny. I loved the equipment we played with and I made a new friend too. I can't wait to do it again! Thank you Talent Management for letting me be a model for the day. From Ruth