How to nail it! The importance of hand models

Hand models are often the unsung heroes of the modelling world. Whilst they are undeniably important to clients, many people aren’t aware that companies are always looking for an exceptional pair of hands to promote their products. If make-up companies need faces to advertise cosmetics, and fashion houses require particular models to promote clothes, then it only follows suit that cosmetics and jewellery will sell better if flaunted on a beautifully-manicured hand. This is where you could excel!

Apply to be a model Book models

Luckily, Models Direct has bundles of experience in placing hand models in top jobs throughout the UK. Before you think about unleashing your mitts in front of the camera, let’s focus on some questions you need to ask yourself:

  1. Hand models usually have near-perfect hands and fingers to begin with. Although there are several tips to maintain camera-friendly poses, the essence of hand modelling dictates you should have beautiful, elegant hands - well, have you?
  2. Do you have tattoos, blemishes or moles - or any other “imperfections”? If so, your chances of becoming a hand model are diminished. Sorry! 
  3. The criteria for hand modelling is not as cast-iron as simply a pair of beautiful hands. Having said that, companies generally look for slender fingers, radiant skin and a lack of freckles. Do your hands fit the bill?
  4. If you do have tattoos, look for specific assignments where tattoos are requested. These are rare, for sure, but do your research. Have you done everything in your power to find a job with specific requirements?  
  5. Have you always wanted to be a model but were too shy to try? Hand modelling could open up new opportunities. The more hand modelling you commit to, the more confident you’ll be on set, and this could lead to other jobs. If nothing else, you’ll know more about how the industry works and get a few contacts, which should never be underestimated. Get your name out there in hand modelling and watch your confidence soar!

Tips on hand modelling

  1. Treat your hands as the tools of your trade - which is what they are. Moisturise regularly!  
  2. Does your jewellery stain or blemish your fingers? If so, ditch them in your daily routine. In the long run, it’s a small price to pay for keeping your fingers in tip-top condition. 
  3. Without sounding too drastic, think about wearing gloves when you’re outside. Any cuts or bruises might be the difference between working that month. Just something to consider… 
  4. Unless specifically required, your nails should not be too long, and they should be kept in optimal condition continuously. Don’t bite them (!), and think about having regular manicures. Check nail varnishes that might lead to long-term stains. 
  5. An overlooked tip is to keep calm - both on set and in your personal life. A lack of stress helps with general health and well-being, and clients love a steady pair of hands whilst shooting. Like a well-behaved child at a photo-shoot, your employers will respect your stable, well-balanced hands. 

By definition, hand modelling is modelling work. We value hand models - as do our clients - and we welcome all applicants in this interesting subdivision of modelling. Don’t be shy - please apply today!

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