Promotional Models - Become a Promotional Model

Have you ever attended a convention, trade show, concert, launch party or live event? If you have, chances are that you’ve chatted with at least one promotional model.

Apply to be a model Book models

Promotional modelling is another popular form of marketing and advertising as models are hired to grab customers' attention and leave a positive, lasting impression.

Models Direct specialise in all things related to modelling. We know our stuff as we've been running our agency since 1990. We embrace both diversity and inclusivity as we've built a culture where everyone counts – one where all our team, both behind-the-scenes and on centre stage, feel valued and respected.

Our modelling agency help connect our promotional models with brands to assist companies' advertising whilst boosting our models’ careers, helping to expand their exposure. Our models are gorgeous and outgoing with personable personalities; people everyone would love to have a chit chat with and be drawn to. They have 100% face-to-face interaction and if asked to remember large pieces of information, they'll have to have a good memory. Standing in as a brand's expert employee is a common role for promotional models so knowing the nuts and bolts of the company is vital.

Sound like something that's right up your street? Yes? Excellent.

Debunking some common myths about commercial modelling

We'll quickly demystify some myths surrounding promotional modelling (just in case you’re wondering...!)

Previous experience isn’t required. (Yay!)

Don’t sweat it if you don’t have previous experience, it's not necessary so long as you have some experience that’ll match what’ll be expected from you. Have you worked with the public? Worked in retail? Done some acting? Excellent! Be sure to mention these skills as they’ll help you stand out from the crowd.

Male models don't stand a chance!

False! Male models ARE needed. Our reputable model scouting company is aware that their female counterpart may snap up more promotional modelling assignments, but that doesn't mean that the guys are destined to be left behind. It just means that competition is a little stiffer and opportunities might be fewer, but why should that stop you? We've got some great success stories from our models. Read on to explore more.

Promotional modelling doesn't lead to other modelling jobs

Far from it! Promotional modelling opens the doors to other possibilities. Networking with agencies, brands, and industry insiders is what it's all about and making trusted connections will help further your career. Those all-important connections can be your ticket to other avenues of modelling such as commercial or TV and film modelling. What’s not to love?

So how about it? Are you friendly, smart, reliable, and outgoing? Got a great look about you? If you tick all the boxes, consider registering with us today. You'll love it and earn money for doing something you enjoy.

PS Check out our blog  to give you an insight into our modelling assignments and what our models have to say about their experience. 

Reserve your March 'New Model' registration
No experience required